Body Guided Healing

Learn Body Guided Healing and take control of your health for life!

Membership Details

 Learn how to take control of your health for life!

With Body Guided Healing you will learn the exact protocol that I used to take my life back from chronic illness.  This is the same protocol that I use in my practice every single day to help desperately ill people get their lives back!

You'll have access to:

  • Body Guided Healing online classes
  • New classes available every month
  • Live Q&A where you can get questions answered and learn new skills
  • A community forum where you can ask questions and connect with others learning the same skills!

Course Curriculum
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Prior to working with Jessica, I had been fatigued, my joints had been achy, I had migraines and poor digestion. And yet at every physical, doctors would insist that I am healthy and attributed my issues to stress. I've tried working on my diet, exercising, and sleeping 8 hrs. I also worked with a local naturopathic doctor and multiple integrative practitioners. I did all the tests and took all the supplements they suggested to me. Nothing helped enough to feel energized and healthy.
Jessica was able to get to the root cause of my symptoms through testing what my body needed at that specific moment. We were addressing one or two imbalances at a time per my body's guidance. I ended up doing a heavy metal detox that was impacting my joints, eradicating a bacteria in my stomach that eliminated my digestive issues, addressed vitamin and mineral deficiencies that helped with migraines etc. Once we cleared imbalances we were able to get my body into a maintenance mode.

I finally felt well and strong to the point that my body decided it was ready to carry a child :) I had a beautiful pregnancy and now I have a beautiful baby. I am excited for Jessica to help many more people to find their root causes and to get healthy.

Member Pricing

  • 30 Day Free Trial then $97/month
  • $97 USD

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